Your Magic Brought
You Here...

- I will help you harness your magic, to be, do and have it all!


Order your copy of the Gratitude Journal and 111Magic Journal on Amazon today!  

You are a magical being in a body - It's time for you to code and calibrate to your next levels!

Get ready to unleash your magic and embody who you came here to be,
because anything less is a disservice to you and our planet! 

-Your time is now Magic Maker! 

The divine meant for you to have it all, a life that works on every level: 

  • A purpose that burns so brightly that nothing and no thing in this world can dim it!
  • To code for abundance, wealth and financial freedom
  • To have ease, joy and flow in all that you do
  • Supportive, loving, soul-aligned relationships 
  • A business you are wildly passionate about
  • Incredible magnetic energy that creates effortless manifestation
  • The alchemy to change anything that ails you in life and business 

-I will guide you to all this and more, that is my Magic...

I know Deep in your soul you have felt a calling that's getting louder and stronger... 

...It is time to answer the call of your magic!

Here's how we can co-create together: 

We have a place for you to start, wherever you are in your journey...

Hi, I'm Joanna...

I carry codes for powerful and potent Magic! Gorgeous Soul, if you are on this page I profoundly believe you are here for that reason-  your magic called out to mine and it led YOU here! 

I am on Spirit's 'transition team' for a global shift in consciousness, to lead light leaders in the awakening of humanity into higher consciousness and a deeper embodiment of love. I know if you're here, you share in that mission and have your part to play- ego's aside, soul to soul ...I know you feel it too!      

-I am the guide the divine created for Light Leaders like you!

What is like to be in Joannas world? 

Life Changing. I can't express enough gratitude for the difference Joanna has made in my life.

Cindy Porter


Magical things have literally occurred in my world since Joanna appeared. I have invested in several of Joanna's courses, which all brought something different.

Katie Carey

Soulful Valley Publishing & Podcast

Working with Joanna is a life changer! I highly recommend getting into her world whether it's her group programs or personal coaching. She is amazing!

Laura Muirhead


- I am not for everyone, but for those that are called into my world... we create magic together!


I Teach Younity Consciousness 

You as a unified being of source energy while in human form
= Magic Incarnate 


Your access to magic comes from the mastery of the self 


Your magic flows from your highest soul alignment  


Your service is the sharing of your Magic with the world


Your deepest & truest alignment with source activates your magic

The 4 pillars of fully embodied Magic

This is the part on a website where they tell you all your soul crushing fears. We don't do 'fear' here in my world, instead I will remind you everyday: 

  • You are a powerful being with a massive soul-mission ahead. We believe in you, even when you don't.  
  • There is no challenge you have not been designed to overcome in this life, despite how challenging they seem.
  • It's already all inside you- we just help you harness and unleash your own magic and step into your inner power and potential.   
  • You are the expert in you, the wisdom keeper of you. We just help guide through your own soul's knowing. 
  • Being Magical is your birth right and your unique magic is needed in this world right now. You are prefect as you are! Let's do this...  

Are you ready to BeMagic?

Our Signature Life Time Access Courses 

- Embody your truest magic

Katie Carey - Soulful Valley I love the YOUnity Consciousness Course, this is my 3rd round and each time I notice how far I have come and I plan to revisit this course content more regularly because it is so valuable to me.


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Susanne K. - Germany If you're struggling to stay Source-aligned and in good vibes, you likely need this course - and to revisit it time and again. I'm not even through all the materials and exercises. Huge value in there.


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Celia Louise - Champagne Chakra Coach Everything Joanna teaches is gold! LightWeb and 333Magic Framework opened and connected me to spirit in a new visual and playful way - exactly what my soul has been calling me to. I always look forward to hearing the wisdom of Joanna & Skylar!


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Isaya Gabriel, Inspiration Mentor and Tech Coach Simply Magic! Of course I'd recommend it .. I'd love to see the day where EVERYONE is LightWeb activated!


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Jeanette Couldry Coaching
Joanna is Spiritual and has the right amount of 'woo woo', but with a brilliant business brain, practicality and logic. Just what I needed, as I am in the process of setting up my own Coaching Consultancy, but felt overwhelmed on the way forward. It became clear that what I needed to do next, to get my business off the ground was DPAP. I'm loving every minute of it and learning a huge amount. There is so much content, lives and a fantastic supportive community of entrepreneurial women in the group too.


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- Younity Consciousness is Source Embodied Living

“BeMagic is simply the ability to ORGANISe Cosmic chaos”

- Joanna Hunter

The Temple is a year long container of magic and healing 

The TEMPLE is a beautiful container where we do healing and the clearing of energy while on our spiritual journey. 
Every month I lead a powerful, channeled energy healing and clearing. In this sacred place we talk magic, ceremonies and rituals for clearing and cleansing your energy, to help you uplevel and create the life you desire. $444 for the whole year! 

*Included in the BeMagic Year. 

Cordula - "It is such a great energy during these session. I am more rational than emotional (it is changing at the moment) and talking only about one theme/emotion makes it so easy to feel deep into it and create the necessary changes"

Bella Luna - "I love the LightWeb healing sessions with Joanna. She introduces each session with care and provides some juicy journaling prompts. I always go deep when in meditation and healing with Joanna. Her words resonate on such a deep, subconscious level, I am always excited to see what unfolds in the weeks following."

Tracey Wilson-Kissoon - "I am always so amazed about how Joanna holds the energy of the group. The intro is great, some warm up reflective activity and then the healing. Then we share our experience and she leaves us with awesome nuggets of wisdom."

Embody the BeMagic Woman

She walks in Magic.... unhurried by outside forces, as if in her own bubble of time...

Miracles follow in her wake - she's a creator, both powerful and strong, gentle and wise...

She's tapped into unseen forces, tuned into the whispers of the Universe...

All of the agents of this beautiful cosmos are at her command, with just a look and a knowing, her will is done...

She is Magic in possession of the technology of her soul,

 her possibilities are infinite - her time is NOW