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I want to help you out of the loop of two steps forward and three steps back. You work hard but you often feel drained, tired and you sometimes even like to torture yourself by saying you'll get a real J-O-B or give up on the entrepreneurial dream altogether.

Your emotions seem like they are this tiny sail boat, getting flung around on the seven seas, catching huge waves only to be plunged to the depths again and again. Quite frankly you have started asking yourself how much more of this you can handle? It's time to Return to Wholeness.

What's included in YOUnity:

  • 4 live calls with Joanna Hunter
  • Lifetime Access 
  • Online course materials
  • Facebook group for the duration of the course
  • 3 Amazing Bonuses

Are you ready to return to wholeness?  

BeMagic Academy

Inside the BeMagic Academy are our premier channeled courses which form our main teachings. Learn our YOUnity Consciousness Framework for higher consciousness living and being. Available to tap into 24/7. 

What's included in the BeMagic Academy:

Everything you need to for metaphysical mastery. 

Are you ready to Be Magic?  

BeMagic Mastermind


Success is an inside job, with around 80% of it coming from your being/energy and around 20% from the physical doing.

This is your invite to master your inner being & energy... 

What's included in the BeMagic Mastermind:

  • Group Calls
  • Guest Experts
  • 1:1 Coaching & Energy Healing
  • Voxer access
  • Speaking opportunity at a London event
  • Guest expert opportunities
  • Access to the BeMagic Academy trainings

Everything you need to for 7-figure success.

Are you ready to take your life and business to the next level? 

Send @JoannasTeamHunter a message on Facebook if you would like to find out more about joining any of the above course!