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Join Our Million Dollar Lab Facebook group were we will share tips on sharing your affiliate link. It's also the place we will official start our journey on the 1st of Jan 2024 .

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Start your abundance ball rolling before the My Million Dollar Experience even begins! At the very least make your money back with us.

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Affilate Centre

Now that you have your affiliate link, why not visit our rewards affiliate centre where we give shareable pictures, templates and more to make sure your affiliate journey with us is a success. 

Get a head start on unlocking your path to your million-dollar dreams by purchasing your very own paper copy of 'My Million Dollar Experiment' book today. This isn't just a book; it's your golden ticket to financial prosperity and personal transformation. Dive into its pages and let it ignite the spark of inspiration within you. Packed with practical insights, our million dollar plan and much more.

PLEASE NOTE: You will receive a complimentary PDF access to this book in our online course platform on the 1st January 2024.  

Experiment official starts 1st January 2024