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Welcome to the Rewards Affiliate Center 

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Rewards Intro

  • Share your Affiliate Rewards Link with the images provided in the social media tab.
  • For every successful sign up we will pay you $12.50 USD. 
  • We pay you 30 days from the date that you sign up a new participant.
  • Payments made to PayPal Business Account only. Please make sure you have your up-to-date PayPal info in the ThriveCart Affiliate Portal.
  •  Link cookie lasts 30 days.
  • Look out for our rewards prizes and games in the Facebook group. 

Can you complete our challenge?

At My Million Dollar Experiment, we're thrilled to introduce our game-changing 50% affiliate program. We believe in the power of sharing abundance.
Here's the challenge: introduce just two people to our transformative program, and not only will you recoup your investment, but you'll also embark on a journey of shared prosperity. It's a win-win scenario where you benefit from your connections while helping others transform their lives. Join us in this mission to spread the message of financial empowerment, and let's create a ripple effect of abundance together. Complete the challenge and ring the bell in the Facebook Group

Who to share this OPPORTUNITY with:

  • Partners, significant others, friends, neighbours, acquaintances, your family... basically anyone from your network.
  • On your social media channels, give us a shout out and don't forget to share your affiliate link!  
  • If you have a business, share it with your customers or email list.
  • At your gym, yoga place etc..don't forget to ask permission first from the studio owner.
  • Your local coffee shop, restaurants, shops, clubs or groups you belong to. Again gain consent if another business owner is involved.   

What not to do: 

  • If someone says no- respect it and don't argue. We all know this is the deal of the century, but not everyone is ready.  
  • If someone says it's a pyramid scheme, don't get into it. Not everyone is ready to change their lives.
  • Don't spam people, online groups or email lists - keep it classy.
  • Don't slide into strangers DM's, it's beyond icky, unethical and not a way to build an online presence.
  • Don't share your link on other peoples My Million Dollar Experiment post - you wouldn't like it if it was done to you.

Some stats from The 2021 Experiment:

4303 people joined us in 2021 to participate in our experiment.

Over 72% of the people surveyed saw a massive positive change.

1 in every 287 participants hit the million dollar goal!!!   

We paid out over $40,000+ in affiliates payments.  

Starts the 1st of January 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Ok, I've signed up, now what do I do?

A. A great question. The Million Dollar Experiment is a SELF-LED experiment. We provide you will all the information you need, the My Million Dollar Experiment book, weekly LabNotes to read and podcasts to watch, and a Facebook Group to share your journey and ask questions in. It's up to you to absorb the content, follow the plan and do the work, we are not going to spoon feed you...you're not a baby!

Q. Who is running this experiment?

A. Joanna Hunter is running this experience. She is a 5 times published author, New thought leader, Spiritual Life and Business Coach, founder of Joanna Hunter Media LTD. Life long student of Metaphysical Science, currently completing her doctorate in metaphysical science.  You can learn more about Joanna and her team here - www.joannahunter.com/about us

Q. Why is there an admin fee?

A. There's two reasons there is an admin fee: 

1. It's important to your results that you feel invested, that you put some of your energy (in this case money) into the experiment. Research has shown us that this gets better results every time! We all know that we don't always show up for free, but we do show for the things we buy. 

2. We have no university sponsoring this research, I am a successful business owner and my team time is valuable. Therefore, in full transparency, we charge an admin fee to cover our expenses in running the year-long experiment.    

Q. What if i don't believe I could make a million dollars?

A. Then you're in the right place to transform that mindset! Join us as this is the place to change those thoughts and beliefs. Many people joined us in 2021 not believing they could ever be a millionaire, however over the course of the year their mindset changed and in fact our first millionaire to come from the experiment in 2021 started the experiment not believing she could do it. She finished the year at 1.4million dollars. In the experiment we will share her extraordinary story.   

Q. What is the affiliate rewards programme?

A. The affiliate rewards programme is totally optional! It's a fun way for you to earn money with us.  Once you have completed the separate registration for the affiliate rewards programme, you will be given a unique affiliate link to share with your peeps.

If any of the people you introduce buy the experiment using your affiliate link, we will pay you $12.50 USD for each person that joins. There is no limit to how many people you can get to join. We offer this, rather than spend thousands of dollars on advertising. You can do the advertising for us and we will pay you for each person you get to sign up. Last time we ran the experiment we paid out over $40,000 in payments to people just like you!
This way it's win/win and opens the experiment up to people who may not otherwise be in a financial position to join. 

Q. Do i need to be spiritual for this? 

A. The simple answer is no. Joanna Hunter is a spiritual life and business coach with over 25 years entrepreneurial experience, her style of coaching is spiritual and she uses spiritual concepts to help her clients get extraordinary results. As long as you have an open mind and are willing to learn ancient spiritual principles to connect with you intuition and shift your mindset, you will love what Joanna & Team Hunter offers. 

Q. Is this a Pyramid scheme?

A. We were asked this a lot in our 2021 experiment so let's just address this right off the bat! No, there are no ancient monuments here. THIS is NOT a pyramid scheme (those are illegal btw). It's quite simple, joining our rewards program it's totally optional. You follow the instructions to create your affiliate link and send it to your friends, family, mailing list etc. If they decide to join then we pay you $12.50 USD, a straight 50% for each person who signs up. That's it!

There are no multiple levels of income, sales targets or secret handshakes, just a one-off $12.50 USD for each person you get to join and you don't even have to become an affiliate to take part in the experiment, it's totally up to you. PLEASE NOTE: Affiliate payments are paid to you 30 days after the sale and you must have a free Business PayPal account so we can pay you. We cannot pay to personal PayPal accounts due to strict UK money laundering prevention laws.

Q. Press & Media enquiries

A. If you represent a media or press outlet and wish to do a story on Joanna Hunter and the My Million Dollar Experiment, fill in the form below stating which outlet you represent and our press officer will be in touch  


Disclaimer & Full Transparency

In full transparency, this is not a get rich quick scheme. Active participation is required to get results, and results are not guaranteed for any individual. For full terms and conditions of the experiment please click here: