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Video 1- Woman

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Video 2- Priestess

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Video 3- Goddess

Channeled teachings 

The teachings of Woman-Priestess-Goddess are channeled teachings from the collective consciousness called Skylar.
I first publicly began to channel them in 2006, but there consciousness and wisdom have guided me and client sessions for many years.

Skylar's Academy

Since 2015, with Skylar's help, I have been channeling an entire body of work from the Codex of Light. The Codex is a non-physical spiritual document that outlines human acension and freedom from the material matrix, allowing reconnection to the Realms of Light, via the LightWeb.
All of this work has been poured into my BeMagic Academy to help you embody these teachings and heal your life at every level allowing you to were meant to thrive, we are all meant to thrive.

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Joanna Hunter

Author | Channel | Thought Leader | Teacher

I am the human ambassador of Skylar and it's a job I take very seriously. Their teachings have simply changed my life, and they have allowed me to heal my body from multiple organ failure, heal my finances and relationships, and allowed me to have much more fulfilment in life than I ever though possible. 

In sharing these teachings, I have watched my students heal life threatening illnesses, mend their relationships, fix bad financial situations, and pretty much anything that ails a human being. I am committed to sharing this work with as many people as possible embodying the ethos of: Together We Thrive