7 Day Magic of Receiving Bootcamp- unlock your receiving potential!

Receiving is often the missing link in manifesting:
- 1Receiving is an art form all of it's own
If you have ever struggled to receive in a compliment, money, the goodness the universe has to offer - stay tuned! This powerful 7 day bootcamp is designed to help you calibrate to receive with ease and flow. - 2We are often not taught how to be good at receiving
Problem is we have never really been show how to be good at receiving anything in life. Instead we have been conditioned to be happy with what we've got at best or openly reject receiving at worst. This massively impacts how we receive from those around us and the universe. - 37 Powerful days that will shift your energy
This bootcamp will show you how to flex and strengthen your receiving muscles and how to open up your channels to receiving even more goodness from the universe with 7 days of powerful mindset and energy shifts. We will reveal where you block the goodness from coming to you - so you can change it!
TheBootcamp Experience...
Journey with your Journal
Each day you will receive a short video or audio that will introduce you to a different aspect of receiving, looking at how we block it and how to unlock it. These powerful energy shifts in our consciousness will act as portals for you to explore through journaling - go deep into uncovering how this has applied in your life and start to shift into aligning with the Magic of Receiving and clear your personal blocks to receiving .
Activate the Magic of Receiving
Daily PDFs with potent journal prompts will activate YOUR Magic of Receiving, which is a subtle art form that forms an everyday part of your life and energy field. Our Facebook community will help shift, calibrate and activate you into the consciousness streams of receiving. To help you kick-start your receiving journey right away, we are opening up a 50% affiliate programme*. Introduce as many friends as you like to come join us in this powerful Magic of Receiving 7 Day Bootcamp and you will receive 50% of their sign-up fees!
*(Must have a business PayPal and it is totally optional to join)
Learn the Secret Sauce
A rising tide lifts all boats - this powerful container is an invite to calibrate to the collective energy and consciousness of the group. As a group, we will open the doors wide to receiving and clearing our blocks and distortions by elevating and celebrating together. On day one I will share the secret sauce that has allowed me to become an expert in the energy game of receiving, to the point where I can receive 6-figure months with ease!
Your 7 Day Bootcamp Mentor...
Hey, if your brand new to my world a very warm welcome... and if you have followed my work for a while, a super warm welcome too!
I used to be so bad at receiving. Someone would say something totally nice to me and before I knew it, I was batting that compliment back to them at record speed. It had become a habit to reject the goodness - all the while I would wonder "When is it my turn to get some of that goodness?"
If this sounds familiar then you're in the right place. My journey with receiving started a few years back when I had just big dreams. One day I realised that if I struggled to even receive a compliment, how could I ever receive my BIG dreams? If I could barely allow something so freely given such as a compliment into my consciousness, how on earth was I going to allow myself to receive the levels of abundance that I dreamed of?
Today I receive in with ease, joy and flow in every aspect of my life, including making 6-figure months in my business. It seems so ridiculous now thinking back: how was I ever going to allow in the big stuff when I was actively blocking the smaller stuff?! But this way of thinking is surprisingly common and I'm here to tell you how to shift it.
This year I launched My Million Dollar Experiment which took my receiving game into the stratosphere! My Million Dollar Experiment is the world's largest metaphysical experiment with over 4200 participants, designed to make consciousness millionaires. This powerful Magic of Receiving 7 Day Bootcamp is an incredible course on its own and the perfect compliment to My Million Dollar Experiment.
Join Today
Come for the Magic
7 Powerful Lessons in the
Magic of Receiving
Journey with your Journal
7 Powerful PDFs with
Potent Journal Prompts
Connect to the Community
Lifetime Access to Course Material
in Woo Woo Academy
Investment is $111 USD
Let in the Magic of Receiving
If you are serious about allowing more into your life and you wish to create a powerful, self-led shift...
this 7 day bootcamp is for you.
Whats included:
Join Today and Start Receiving the Magic...
When you sign up, you will be offered a super special opportunity to join our very generous affiliate programme
(this is totally optional!)
If you want to make this 7 day bootcamp even more fun, invite your friends to join you and get rewarded for introducing them to our world.
We will pay you $55.50 for every participant that signs up using your special link (which we will issue you with once you have registered for our affiliate programme*).
Yes, that means if you find just two friends who want to join the Magic of Receiving bootcamp, once they sign up using your link you will have made back your costs for the bootcamp!
Introduce more friends and we will continue to pay you for each one that successfully uses your special link!
How's that for receiving?!
*Business Paypal is required to participate in the affiliate programme
Frequently Asked Questions...
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
I have never journaled before...
What happens next?
How long do I have access to the course?
Can I really make my money back?
Can I ask questions in the group?
What if I can't be there every day?
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