Divine Planning Abundant Profits - Rewards
Terms & Conditions


Divine Planning Abundant Profits is run by Joanna Hunter Media Ltd and by participating in Divine Planning Abundant Profits you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and condition laid out at https://joannahunter.com/tc and by the terms and conditions below.

The spirit of our affiliate programme is that you introduce new people into Joanna Hunter’s world.

Affiliate Code of Conduct

  1. The spirit of an affiliate programme is that you introduce new people into Joanna’s world, you cannot affiliate somebody who has already paid for a course or product from Joanna.
  2. Do not make any false claims or misleading promises.
  3. You are not allowed to post your affiliate link within any of Joanna’s communities. They are for your social media/mailing list only. Nor are 'link trees' allowed. No paid for ads. 
  4. If another affiliate has posted their link in a thread online, please respect that and do not then post your link underneath. We would love it of you stayed in the spirit of community and collaboration. 
  5. No tampering with the branding, please use the branding provided. 
  6. We have a 6-month cookie time. Affiliate fees will be awarded to the most recent affiliate link clicked. 
  7. Our Terms and Conditions are final, by signing up to the affiliate program you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.  
  8. We only pay out when an affiliate link has been used, please do not ask us to change this policy and please ensure you use the correct link. 

Timeline – Divine Planning Abundant Profits is a lifetime access course which currently two runs live rounds calendar year, although we reserve the right to change this. You can join this course at any time and will receive the replays of the live classes and access to the online content.

Affiliate Program - Affiliate shall have the opportunity to promote the Product and its programs in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The spirit of this affiliate program is to be rewarded for introducing Joannahunter.com’s work to new clients by recommending the programs from a honest view point. This means an Affiliate can only promote a program they have completed.

Becoming an Affiliate – Only those who have signed-up and paid for Divine Planning Abundant Profits and who have completed at least one live round can become an affiliate. Anyone who has not paid the fee will not be able to receive affiliate rewards commissions. By joining Divine Planning Abundant Profits you are agreeing to be bound by all the rules. Failure to do so could lead to you being removed from Divine Planning Abundant Profits and Facebook group and forfeiting any affiliate rewards commission due.

Sharing your Affiliate Link – Joannahunter.com will provide Affiliate with unique URL Links. Affiliates may not use any content to promote Divine Planning Abundant Profits other than that provided by Joanna Hunter Media Ltd. If an affiliate wishes to create and use their own content they may only do so with the express written permission of Joanna Hunter Media Ltd, failure to do so could lead to you being removed from the workshop and the Facebook group and forfeiting any affiliate rewards commission due. Promotional material (emails, landers, ads, social media posts) must be consistent with the Product’s branding and shall not be false or misleading. Joanna Hunter Media Ltd accepts no responsibility for the incorrect affiliate rewards link being used. 

Affiliate shall direct potential purchasers of the Product programs to the dedicated links provided by Joannahunter.com or found in thrivecart affiliate dashboard for joannahunter.com.

Affiliate agrees and understands that if it’s marketing, websites, emails or any other communications associated with or for this Promotion are deemed inappropriate at the sole discretion of the Company, Affiliate will be in violation of this Agreement. 

“Inappropriate” is defined as communication that:

  • contains, promotes or links to sexually explicit or violent material;
  • promotes, depicts or links to material that promotes or depicts discrimination based on race, gender, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, or age;
  • contains unlawful material, including but not limited to materials that may violate another’s intellectual property rights, or links to a site that contains such material; contains information regarding, promotes or links to a site that provides information or promotes illegal activity;
  • uses or embeds Company’s videos, images, banners, likeness, brand name or website in a way that may cause market and a consumer likelihood of confusion to the source and ownership of the material;
  • offers a cash incentive or discount on product(s) as a means of promotion or
  • or any other reason that the Company deems inappropriate.

Affiliate may only utilise the links provided by the Company on the Affiliate’s websites, emails or and marketing owned and maintained by the Affiliate, the Affiliate’s brand or Affiliate’s social media pages.

Affiliate may NOT post their link on other websites that are not owned by Affiliate except ads or social media placements.

Affiliate may NOT spam or send any unsolicited email to any party during the Promotion. If Affiliate is caught spamming, they will be removed from the Company’s Affiliate Program, and their commissions or pending commissions will be cancelled and/or forfeited. “Spam” or “Spamming” is defined as emailing or posting to anyone who has not requested information via email or any website and also includes sending links to search engines. 

You are not allowed to post your affiliate link within any of Joanna’s communities. They are for your social media only.

If another affiliate has posted their link in a thread online, please respect that and do not then post your link underneath. It is not a competition.

Link trees are not allowed, the spirit of an affiliate program is to introduce new clients to Joanna's world. 

Sale must be directly enrolling in the Program through Affiliate’s unique links. If a customer clicks on Affiliate links of multiple Affiliates, the Affiliate who is the last referral source before the sale will receive the commission. For each sale, commission can only be granted to one Affiliate.

Affiliate may not purchase the Product through their link and receive commission on that sale. Affiliate commissions are counted and sales numbers are deemed final at the sole discretion of the Company.

Account Creation – As an affiliate you will be required to create an affiliate rewards account using ThriveCart (https://thrivecart.com). It is up to each affiliate to read ThriveCart's terms and conditions before creating an account with them. Joanna Hunter Media Ltd accepts no responsibility or liability for any issues arising between affiliates and ThriveCart. The affiliate rewards account will require a unique affiliate name and a password. Any obscene, offensive or otherwise deemed inappropriate affiliate names will be removed and we reserve the right to terminate any accounts that fail to comply with this. When creating your account, you must use true, accurate, current and complete information. Each account name and password can only be used by one registered affiliate and sharing your affiliate rewards login details is a material breach of the affiliate agreement. If you have any problems with your ThriveCart affiliate rewards account then please contact support@joannahunter.com before contacting ThriveCart support.

Use of Data - If you sign up using someone's affiliate link, that affiliate will be able to see the name and email address that you used to register. If you do not want this to be known then please do not sign up using an affiliate link.

Commission rates - for each person they introduce to Divine Planning Abundant Profits, affiliates with receive $555 of each $3,333 fee. Affiliates are not allowed to charge or promote any price other than the $3,333 fee or the $555 affiliate rewards commission for Divine Planning Abundant Profits. Affiliates only receive commission on the people they directly introduce to the course via their own affiliate rewards link. You receive no commission from anyone else’s affiliate rewards link even if it is someone who you introduced to the company.

Pay-out Terms – Affiliates must have a PayPal Business Account, personal PayPal accounts or Bank Accounts cannot be used. Affiliates must ensure that they give out the correct affiliate rewards link to ensure they receive their affiliate rewards commission. Joanna Hunter Media Ltd accepts no responsibility for an incorrect affiliate rewards link being used and will not pay out commission if an incorrect affiliate rewards link is used. All affiliates will be paid 30 days after a transaction is made using their affiliate rewards link. No early commission payments will be made. It is up to affiliates to ensure that their PayPal Business Account is running properly and that they use the correct email address to connect their PayPal Business Account with their affiliate rewards account. Any queries regarding payments you receive must be made within 30 days of you receiving the payment. Queries regarding payments should be emailed to:-  support@joannahunter.com

We have 3 different payment plan options for Divine Planning Abundant Profits, your affiliate payments will work differently depending on how people choose to pay for the course:

  • Pay in full - $555 affiliate reward paid to you 30 days after we have received the full payment
  • 3x payment plan - $185 affiliate reward paid to you 30 days after we have received each of the 3 payments ($555 in total)
  • 10x payment plan - $55.50 affiliate reward paid to you 30 days after we have received each of the 10 payments ($555 in total)

Facebook Support - the Facebook group support is dependent on all members adhering to the group rules agreed to before joining the group. Any member failing to follow the group rules may be immediately removed from the Facebook group and the affiliate rewards programme and forfeit any affiliate commission due. Joanna Hunter Media Ltd reserves the right to remove participants from Divine Planning Abundant Profits at any time.

Cookie Terms – Cookies are used to track the affiliate link to ensure the correct affiliate gets paid. If someone clicks on your affiliate link, a cookie is added to their browser, this is to ensure that if they do not sign up at that time, but go back later and sign up then you will still get your commission for them unless they have manually deleted the cookie. The cookie will automatically expire in 60 days unless deleted manually. We operate a last cookie affiliate policy so that if several affiliate links are clicked on then it is the last affiliate link clicked, therefore the last cookie stored, that will get the affiliate commission. If you have any question on this the please contact support@joannahunter.com.

Liability –  Joanna Hunter Media Ltd accepts no liability for any false information relating to Divine Planning Abundant Profits. If you are aware of any false information circulating about Divine Planning Abundant Profits then please report this to:- support@joannahunter.com. If you have any issues relating to your affiliate rewards program then please email:- support@joannahunter.com

Termination – failure to comply with the terms and conditions laid out at https://joannahunter.com/tc or https://joannahunter.com/dpapaffiliaterewardstc/ or the group rules of www.facebook.com/groups/dpapcourse/ or any other rules associated with Divine Planning Abundant Profits could result in your immediate removal from the workshop and Facebook group and the loss of any affiliate rewards commission due.

Intellectual Property -  You agree that the intellectual property owned by the Company Joanna Hunter Media LTD includes all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, and other intellectual property belonging to the company (“Company IP”).

Subject to the limitations listed below, we hereby grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable licence to access our websites in conjunction with the Affiliate Program and use the Company IP solely and exclusively in conjunction with identifying our company and brand on the Affiliate Site to send customers to the Affiliate links we provide. You may not modify the Company IP in any way and you are only permitted to use the Company IP if you are an Affiliate in good standing with us.

Earnings Disclaimer -  You accept and agree that you are fully responsible for your progress and results from your participation in this Affiliate Program. We offer no representations, warranties or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding your earnings or results. 

Confidentiality – affiliates are free to share information about Divine Planning Abundant Profits with their own Facebook groups, email lists and on their own blogs or video blogs. However, affiliates are not allowed to speak to the press or any other media outlet regarding Divine Planning Abundant Profits without the express written permission of Joanna Hunter Media Ltd. This is to ensure that the message given out about Divine Planning Abundant Profits is a consistent and accurate one.

Relationship - Nothing contained within this Agreement shall be construed to form any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, or employment relationship. You are an independent contractor of the Company and will remain so at all times.

Joanna Hunter Media Ltd reserved the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time and will make every effort to inform Divine Planning Abundant Profits participants of these changes.