The Angels Are Coming...


Throughtout all time, throughout all religions, over every continent on our globe - humans have had one constant, 


There presence in Earth's history, religions and sacred texts are clear - they are here to help....it stands to reason that in our moment of need, with many places on lockdown, that the Angels created one of THE most Powerful Archangel Portals Humankind will ever experience
on the 4th of April 2020

The 444 Portal  


Join Our Experiential Workshop 



On the 4th of April 2020 at 11.11am,
I am co-hosting with Archangel Metatron a 90min experiential workshop to

let you Anchor in the Angelic Energy of the 444 portal into your Soul's DNA 

and experience these beautiful high vibrational energies for yourself.

Let me expertly guide you and help you connect with these incredible beings of Light.​

Join me as I channel Archangel Metatron and show you how to make your own Angelic connections in your daily life,

allowing these powerful beings of LIGHT to help and guide you. 

This workshop will massively shift your vibration.

Workshop  Details 

  • Date: Saturday  4th April 2020
  • Time: 11:11am UK Time  
  • Venue: Zoom link Online with replay

Pay What You Want To Attend....

At the request of Archangel Metatron, this 90min workshop is pay what you want!!!

Never before have I offered such a thing... 
The request from Archangel Metatron is that you give an amount that feels good to you, from your heart-

This will set a powerful intention of commitment for you.

Replay- after the event to all who sign up 

This Workshop is now full. Thank you for your interest.

The workshop replay will be available for purchase afterwards.